Woman & Home: an interview
Do you think women have more of a tendency to question their value? Under-estimate their worth? Which leads to a sense of purposelessness and lack of direction.Yes, I think it is common for women to q...
Do you think women have more of a tendency to question their value? Under-estimate their worth? Which leads to a sense of purposelessness and lack of direction.Yes, I think it is common for women to q...
Comparisonitus is the all-too-common addiction that so many of us have when we can’t stop comparing ourselves with other people – and like most addictions it is not healthy. When we compare ou...
So often in our lives we find ourselves coming from a place of scarcity - we don’t have what we want, things aren’t going as well as we’d like. ...
How did you get started on practicing gratitude? ...
Mantra Wellness magazine and website is a global resource for people wanting to find ways to live healthy, sustainable, happy lives....
The Art of Enough is now available on Audible....
The wonderful 3D coaching have chosen The Art of Enough for their #coachinginnbookgroup. Each week, the group is reading a chapter, submitting their comments and questions, and I’m recording a podca...
Becky Hall was featured in Coaching Today. Read more about the article here....